7 Quick Rules for Moving Others into ACTION


You’re in business

Since business comes from people, then you’re in the “People Business.”  So, what we really need to know about Business, is how to motivate PEOPLE.

I’ve discovered that real momentum happens when you learn how to create A MOVEMENT of POSITIVE CHANGE.  Anyone can be moved or even directed into action, but creating a movement is more sustainable and people will do more for the whole of the organization, than they will for just you or themselves.

Here are 7 ways to increase MOJO in your organization and instill the DESIRE for positive change in others:


#1  Lead by example in everything you do.

If you promote a product or service, find ways to use it more than anyone else.  Set the bar high for others, look in the mirror and see someone YOU would want to follow staring back at you.  Be the person of excellence that you so desire your organization to be.

#2  Listen.

Find out what other people want and need, and avoid projecting your own agenda on others, rather intentionally and GENUINELY care about others needs above your own.  Learn to ask good questions and you will learn so much about people.  And they will like you and have more trust for you, simply because you listened.

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” -John C. Maxwell

#3  Believe in others.

Believe in others more than they believe in themselves.  Often times we are tempted to lower our standard of what we see in others (as we listen to their insecurities and excuses) but the BEST thing you can give to someone else, is your faith and belief in them.

I think back to certain influences in my life; teachers, parents or mentors that spoke a kind or encouraging word over me, where in some cases changed my life.   I started to believe in myself, and YOU can be that bridge for someone else, what a gift.

#4  Challenge others.

Don’t be agreeable and passive.  If someone if making excuses that you KNOW they can overcome, let them know about it.  Share with them why throwing in the towel would be a big mistake, don’t just sit back and watch it happen.  People are starving for a challenge and for someone to hold their hand and say “let’s do it together.”

#5  Call out talent.

If you see something unique or special about someone, please let them know about it!  I think that many people are sitting on gifts and talents that are waiting to be born just out of someone recognizing it.

Quick story:  When I was in the 10th grade, I was playing flag football with my friend Chris when I found myself nearly outrunning him.  He said, “holy sh#%, you should run track!”  I was like pfft, track is for jocks and uncool people.  So, I rounded up my girlfriends and 2 weeks later we ALL went out for track (I sold them on the cute outfits; short shorts and high socks).  I ended up making “All Conference” my first year and earning metals for my athletic achievements.  Winning!

Moral of the story, what if he hadn’t said anything?  I would have never had the gift of challenging myself in that area, and I am grateful for the experience to this day.

#6  Recognition.

People will work for a paycheck and DIE for recognition.  “Babies cry for it and grown men die for it”

I think the reason people withhold recognition from others is their pride.  We have a society where it’s normal to step on other people to get ahead, that’s why I love our industry because you can only get ahead by helping others.  This very industry has taught me so much about bringing out the best in others.  So spread the love and recognize even the smallest of efforts, because that little gleam of encouragement can go along way over time in your organization.  Soon they will be flying solo and in some cases, higher than you!

#7 Overlook the Quirks.

Everyone has weird tendencies, habits, traits that could get under someone’s skin when looked up close for long periods of time.  The best way to handle this is just to be a person of acceptance, cover one another and speak the best of them.  The fastest way to kill an organization is through gossip, so avoid it at all costs and stick to the old rule: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”  And if you must say something, go to the highest person.  Remember, drama up-never down.

Well, there you have it.  My seven rules!  I would love to hear any rules or guidelines you abide by to increase action in your organization.  Please leave a comment today!


Molly Dalbec is a Success Coach for online and home-based business entrepreneurs. She is a Network Marketing expert and founder of MommyNetworker.com, a training program for busy Moms in a home business.
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You’re in business.  Since business comes from people, then you’re in the “People Business.”  So, what we really need to know about Business, is how to motivate PEOPLE.

I’ve discovered that real momentum happens when you learn how to create A MOVEMENT of POSITIVE CHANGE.  Anyone can be moved or even directed into action, but creating a movement is more sustainable and people will do more for the whole of the organization, than they will for just you or themselves.

Here are 7 ways to increase MOJO in your organization and instill the DESIRE for positive change in others:


#1  Lead by example in everything you do.

If you promote a product or service, find ways to use it more than anyone else.  Set the bar high for others, look in the mirror and see someone YOU would want to follow staring back at you.  Be the person of excellence that you so desire your organization to be.

#2  Listen.

Find out what other people want and need, and avoid projecting your own agenda on others, rather intentionally and GENUINELY care about others needs above your own.  Learn to ask good questions and you will learn so much about people.  And they will like you and have more trust for you, simply because you listened.

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” -John C. Maxwell

#3  Believe in others.

Believe in others more than they believe in themselves.  Often times we are tempted to lower our standard of what we see in others (as we listen to their insecurities and excuses) but the BEST thing you can give to someone else, is your faith and belief in them.

I think back to certain influences in my life; teachers, parents or mentors that spoke a kind or encouraging word over me, where in some cases changed my life.   I started to believe in myself, and YOU can be that bridge for someone else, what a gift.

#4  Challenge others.

Don’t be agreeable and passive.  If someone if making excuses that you KNOW they can overcome, let them know about it.  Share with them why throwing in the towel would be a big mistake, don’t just sit back and watch it happen.  People are starving for a challenge and for someone to hold their hand and say “let’s do it together.”

#5  Call out talent.

If you see something unique or special about someone, please let them know about it!  I think that many people are sitting on gifts and talents that are waiting to be born just out of someone recognizing it.

Quick story:  When I was in the 10th grade, I was playing flag football with my friend Chris when I found myself nearly outrunning him.  He said, “holy sh#%, you should run track!”  I was like pfft, track is for jocks and uncool people.  So, I rounded up my girlfriends and 2 weeks later we ALL went out for track (I sold them on the cute outfits; short shorts and high socks).  I ended up making “All Conference” my first year and earning metals for my athletic achievements.  Winning!

Moral of the story, what if he hadn’t said anything?  I would have never had the gift of challenging myself in that area, and I am grateful for the experience to this day.

#6  Recognition.

People will work for a paycheck and DIE for recognition.  “Babies cry for it and grown men die for it”

I think the reason people withhold recognition from others is their pride.  We have a society where it’s normal to step on other people to get ahead, that’s why I love our industry because you can only get ahead by helping others.  This very industry has taught me so much about bringing out the best in others.  So spread the love and recognize even the smallest of efforts, because that little gleam of encouragement can go along way over time in your organization.  Soon they will be flying solo and in some cases, higher than you!

#7 Overlook the Quirks.

Everyone has weird tendencies, habits, traits that could get under someone’s skin when looked up close for long periods of time.  The best way to handle this is just to be a person of acceptance, cover one another and speak the best of them.  The fastest way to kill an organization is through gossip, so avoid it at all costs and stick to the old rule: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”  And if you must say something, go to the highest person.  Remember, drama up-never down.

Well, there you have it.  My seven rules!  I would love to hear any rules or guidelines you abide by to increase action in your organization.  Please leave a comment today!


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