Setting Up Your Youtube Account (things you need to know)

Nov 30, 2013 | Posts B.C. (Before Challenge), Social Media, Uncategorized | 2 comments

Alright, so in order to share your videos with the world you will need to set up your Youtube account.  Below you will find a descriptive outline on how to do that.

But I want to mention a few IMPORTANT things (that aren’t in the doc) before you set up your account…

Here are some key points with establishing your video presence:

#1 Pick a good Username.

I recommend you setting up your first account considering your personal brand.  This is most likely going to be your name.  If your name is taken, go with something catchy or what you want to be known as,  like “coachmindy” or “travelingtodd”.

You want to be remembered and try to be consistent with your username and brand throughout your other social media sites as well.

#2. Share your story.

People want to know where you are from and why you are doing what you are doing.  Don’t worry if you don’t have some ellaborate ‘rags to riches’ story.  Certain people will resonate with who you are NOW and where you’ve been.

So be open about what brought you to the industry and why you were looking for a change, then share a little about why you got started with XYZ company.  But don’t be pitchy, just informative, you still need to earn trust from your viewers.

What’s cool about video, is that you are using “Attraction Marketing” at the highest level, and it’s rejection free because you only attract the people that are interested in YOU.

#3 Add links to connect with you elsewhere.

You don’t necessarily want your Youtube viewers staying on Youtube.  You want them to click on your website link or other social media links where they can learn more about you.  So make sure to let them know right away where they can connect with you outside of Youtube.

#4  Choose “Director” in your profile.

When setting up your account, you will be able to choose a category definining what you consider yourself to be.  I would either choose “Guru” or “Director”.  The difference between the two is: when you choose “Director”, you are allowed more time on your videos.  This is nice if you plan to do longer tutorials.  If you choose “Guru” you are percieved as an expert in your field.

My account is set up as Director for now.  The choice is yours:-)

So below you will find a document I came across on Slideshare.  A real estate agent created it so don’t mind the reference to Oklahoma real estate:-)  It’s all about leverage guys.  This guy did a great job putting this ‘how-to’ together and we can legally and ethically borrow his time and effort to learn…

This is how entrepreneurs tick:-)

Enjoy!  p.s. There is a little button on the bottom left that says “full”.  Click on that to make it bigger.

I want to know if this is the first time you thought about creating a Youtube account or if you’ve had your account up and you learned something new!  Please leave me a comment, I LOVE hearing from you:-)


p.s. looking to learn more?  Review the mentoring section of this blog to see how to qualify for personal coaching:-)


  1. Cathy

    Hi Molly, thanks so much for all the info. I am in the process of setting up my website and branding, and this is all very helpful. I do have a youtube site, although not developed much. I am wondering how people get their own graphics and backgrounds on though! Thanks for all the tips. You’re awesome.

    • Molly

      You bet Cathy!

Molly Dalbec is a Success Coach for online and home-based business entrepreneurs. She is a Network Marketing expert and founder of, a training program for busy Moms in a home business.
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