“Video Conversion Formula” 3 Simple Video SEO Tips

Nov 30, 2011 | Posts B.C. (Before Challenge), Social Media | 19 comments

Many “Top” Businesses and Marketers have been using video as a marketing strategy for some time now and the trend continues to rise as people become more educated on it’s effectiveness in the marketplace

Google continues to adjust how it ranks video on the search engines and over the last couple years of using video, I’ve learned some amazing tricks that have gotten MANY of my videos on the first page of Google for the specific keywords that I’ve chosen.

I realize how important it is to stay “ahead of the curve” with this stuff so, I want to share just a few important strategies.   But first, you may be asking…

“Why is it important for my video to be on the first page of Google?”

Well, you may have a list of subscribers but the chances of them looking for the topic of your EXACT video is pretty slim. When your video can be found in the search engines, you know for a fact that those people are (ACTIVELY) searching for the keyword you chose…

Thus, becoming a higher qualified prospect or lead.

Pretty simple when you think about it.  This is what it looks like:

  1. Person types a keyword into Google
  2. Person sees your video thumbnail
  3. Person watches your video providing a solution
  4. Person goes to your website and you potentially have a new customer

It’s called “Direct Response Marketing”.  You are directly responding to what they are looking for (and that makes YOU their new best friend).  The funny part is, many of the other people on that page are paying top dollar to have their “text listing” shown to the exact same prospect (Google Adwords or Pay-Per-Click).  So why not scoop up that customer for FREE using a 2 minute video?  Duh. lol.

So now that you know how important it is to be found in the search engines, let’s get into a few strategies that can help get you there.

1.  Choose Your Keyword Wisely

It can be difficult to define the exact properties that a keyword should have in order to get it on the first page of Google but this is what I have found in my experience.  Typically, if I keep a keyword under 30k in the exact phrase match of the word it’s a good chance I’ll be found on page one if I use all of my proven SEO strategies.

Let me show you…

If I type in the long -tail keyword “Use Video to Promote Your Business”, a result of 35,900,000 results come up.  And that would “appear” to be too competitive of a keyword.

But if I search for the EXACT PHRASE MATCH by just simply putting quotation marks around the keyword “Use Vide0 to Promote Your Business”, it will then tell me the true competing pages that I’m up against for that particular keyword.

So this particular keyword has 44,000 exact phrase match results, and I recommend you keep it under 30k and just continue to test.

2.  Keyword Congruency

Your keyword must be found in 3 places to ensure your search engine presence.

  • In the Title of your video


  • In the Description of your video

  • In the Tag section of your video

3.  Popularity

Many people don’t know this but actually having people comment, like and share your video increases your chances of getting picked up by the search engines.  It tells Google, “Hey!  People like me, show me to more people!”  The easiest way that I’ve found to get people to comment and share my video is to…

Drum roll please…

Ask them!  Ha ha.  You can do this by mentioning it at the end of your video and also by use of Annotations.  Here is an example of using Annotations:

This image is for an example only and I DO NOT recommend using this many annotations at once. lol.  Add them when it feels like a good opportunity to bring it up, and remember:

People are looking for direction.  It’s ok for you to show them what to do and what their next step is;-)

Although there are more fun Video SEO tips and tricks up my sleeve, I need to save some secrets for my loyal subscribers!  So if you aren’t on my list be sure to get signed up.  But don’t leave this page yet, I’ve got more goodies for you…

I have recently been sharing my strategies for top marketing companies such as Jonathan Budd’s “The 7 Figure Networker” and the “Empowered Entrepreneurs Elite Coaching Students”.  I also have had the privilege to share these strategies on stage to other aspiring marketers eager to take their video marketing efforts to the next level.

I have had such positive feedback that I am planning to do a live webinar for my private list very soon.

Hello Molly,

My name is Brandon Brown. I just wanted to personally say that you were amazing yesterday, your presentation was sooooo valuable and clear. I feel like I have a real tool to add to my marketing tool box. Keep up the great work!!

I absolutely LOVE hearing how these simple strategies can effect another person’s success in business.  And truth be told, it’s just simple implementation and staying consistent.

P.S. I did NOT just start doing video and see what stuck.

Oh no, Before I decided that creating videos was an avenue that I was going to commit myself to for my business, I invested in a Video Marketing course.  And THANK GOD I did, because I might be saying all the wrong things in my videos and getting ZERO views.  I see people doing this all the time.

In this course I learned everything from WHAT to say in videos, to picking proper KEYWORDS for my niche, to what VIDEO EQUIPMENT to use, to breaking through the FEARS and road-blocks keeping me from getting in front of the camera, to ENVIRONMENT, to speaking to your TARGET MARKET…and so much more.

This course was not cheap, but when I think about where it’s gotten me today.  I am forever grateful and NOBODY can take that skill away from me.

What course did you take Molly?

The course I took (nearly 2 years ago) was from none other than the “Video Marketing Queen” herself, Maria Andros.  When I want to learn something, I go after the best (and I suggest you do too, it will save you a lot of headache and disappointment).  And if you are going to invest in something you want to make sure you get the most bang for your buck, but you want to make sure that what you are learning will actually make you BUCKS. lol.

Maria will empower you to break through your fears of video marketing and give you invaluable skill sets to absolutely catapult your business using her strategies.

So, right now Maria has an amazing FREE training series that will make this blog post look elementary compared to the value she is giving away.

**If you’ve been wanting to use video in a huge way for your business and start taking it to the next level, YOU NEED TO WATCH THESE VIDEOS my friend.  Just click on the video below to get started;-)

A quick disclaimer:

Maria is coming out with a brand new program called “Video Conversion Formula” and I have been privately invited to partner with Maria on this.  For the sake of the FTC rules, I must tell you that if you click on the link provided you will be brought to a page that will require you to opt-in to receive the free training series.  Furthermore, if you find yourself wanting to invest in her program that is going live on November 23rd, 2010 and you purchase it through this particular link, I WILL receive a commission as appreciation of my partnership.  Cool?

Alright then, I suggest you go watch her training series before she pulls it down and be sure to come back and let me know what you thought of it!

p.s. She already has over 1500 comments on her videos…look for mine if you like!  I got a TON of value from watching her series;-)

Talk soon and God Bless!




  1. Kris

    Wonderful Post! Great Information to take note of.
    Thanks for your help! You are a Rock Star!
    The Mola’s

    • Molly

      Thanks guys, glad you liked it! p.s. Did you put in a different email because I don’t see your picture. fyi, you have to use the same email you used to set up your avatar;-) Talk soon!!

  2. Mark Gubuan | Online Network Marketing


    This is sweet and exactly what one of my coaching students needs to see. I’m gonna share this up. Oh and you’ve got to keep sharing the “Video Conversion Formula” secrets because I’m not gonna get that product because I’m staying focused on the courses I’m taking now, but if I were going to get it, I’d get it from you 😉

    I love the content and the one thing that I will take away from this is the keyword congruency and how that affects what people see when searching for answers.

    Talk to you soon.

    .-= Mark Gubuan | Online Network Marketing´s last blog ..Network Marketing Mastermind Facebook Group =-.

    • Molly


      I’m glad I could be a resource for your student! And thanks for mentioning what your “takeaways” were, it means a lot to know HOW I’m helping others;-)

      Talk soon rockstar!

  3. Kris

    How about now? Thanks for the heads up!
    I will check into it, if I don’t see our photo pop up after I hit send.
    Have a great Thanksgiving!
    The Mola’s

  4. John J Callanan

    Really great post Molly 🙂

    • Molly

      Thanks John!

  5. Damien Penn

    Hey Molly,
    Great blog girl!

    I like your picture of google with the Austin Power bad guy.
    This is the sort of little things that make a blog more interesting,
    unique and fun compared to all the other ones.

    I am doing the same thing with my current blog on the Video Conversion
    Formula program, but i wont post a link here, in case you wouldn’t
    like me promoting it and my bonus package.

    Anyway, keep it up, and our path may cross in the future.
    I certainly would be happy to JV in some way in the future with you.

    P.S. In case you want to see my “stuff” just google

    video conversion formula and im #1.
    Im that guy in the hawaiian shirt video : )

    Damien Penn

    • Molly

      Hi Damien!

      I appreciate you stopping by to comment;-) I’m glad you are supporting Maria as well!

      Oh, and I already Googled it before I did this post and found you…and your bonus page. I always do my homework! lol.

      Well done,
      Stay in touch!


  6. Ryan Yokome

    Hey Molly,

    Awesome post. This is the kind of stuff I love seeing because who wants to shoot a video and have nobody read it! lol.

    Google is crazy powerful with video. It’s amazing how most people don’t keep the consistently around one keyword for their videos. Awesome post Molly and love the shout out to Maria.
    .-= Ryan Yokome´s last blog ..Video Marketing For Newbies =-.

    • Molly

      Thanks Ryan, I’m glad you liked it!

      Maria rocks and I’m happy to give credit where credit is due;-)


    • Molly

      Glad you enjoyed it Eddys;-)

      I used to use Traffic Geyser (and tubemogul) but now I just outsource it. I have someone manually upload my videos to multiple hosting sites. I do this because I have heard of a few people having their accounts shut down because of using the systems.

      There is no real way to prove it but I figure I would just play it safe!

      Hope that helps;-)


    • Molly

      Thanks Michelle!

      Yes, Maria has a ton of knowledge and value to give. Glad you liked them;-)


  7. Joanie Dhillon

    Hi Molly!

    I sat in on your webinar with Jonathan Budd’s 7 Figure Networker a few weeks back and I was blown away by all the amazing tricks you shared. I have been using my of those and am now posting videos almost daily. Thank you so much for your wisdom and inspiration!

    Joanie Dhillon
    .-= Joanie Dhillon´s last blog ..Is Your Energetic Field Blocking You From Manifesting Your Desire =-.

    • Molly

      Awesome Joanie!

      I’m so glad to hear you are taking action. Please share your youtube user account with us so we can come and subscribe;-)

      I love to hear stories like yours!


  8. Rob Koch

    Hey Molly, Awesome content. I listened in on your webinar last night (Dec 20) and was blown away by how much free content and tips you guys shared. Thanks again.

    • Molly

      That’s awesome Rob! So glad you got tons of value from it, I look forward to chatting with you soon Rob;)

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Molly Dalbec is a full time networker, health enthusiast and business coach. She is a Network Marketing expert and founder of www.MommyNetworker.com, a training program for busy Moms in a home business.

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Molly Dalbec is a Success Coach for online and home-based business entrepreneurs. She is a Network Marketing expert and founder of MommyNetworker.com, a training program for busy Moms in a home business.
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